Three Signs Of Feline Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a serious medical condition that people can often develop for various reasons, but it's also important to know that this condition can affect cats. Understanding the changes that may indicate your feline family member is suffering from pancreatitis should encourage you to visit an emergency veterinary clinic with the animal. Even if you notice these symptoms after business hours, many emergency clinics are open later than standard vet clinics. Read More 

Find Out Why Your Dog Is Itching

If your dog is itching more than they normally would, you are undoubtedly concerned. When dogs begin to itch, it normally means that something has triggered it. There are a few possible causes for their reaction. Here's a look at what might be happening to your pet. Food If your dog is suddenly very itchy, it may be due to the type of food they are eating. If you have recently switched their diet, it may be the problem. Read More